Sunday, November 22, 2015

What About Everything Above?

Remember stratigraphy? Yes you do!

Well, a lot of the layers above me also held artifacts and other shards. This means they were left or put into the ground after I was. Yes, yes I know you know this, but review is always good!

Have you thought about why artifacts from hundreds of years after me are found in the same place? Well, in Ancient Egypt, people lived close to the water because the Nile flooded their farm land so that it could be used, and the Nile was also used for water for cooking and transportation. So, once a good spot was found, people stayed there for a while. That's why over time, things piled up on top of me.

I want you to meet one of my friends from almost a thousand years after me. Her name is Annie the amphora:
Joukowsky Collection

She looks a lot different than me, right? Well, she's not actually from Egypt like I am.  She was made by these people called the Romans. Rome controlled Egypt for some time and some of their pottery and methods made their way into Egypt. But, they also learned a lot from the Ancient Egyptians, and took their pottery and other art into other parts of the Roman Empire.

It's always important to remember that many different people had connections in the ancient world, just like today! And different cultures, like the Romans and Egyptians, interacted with each other. No one was in a bubble. Connection between different cultures is HUGE.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice information Herb. Love the detailed, simple explanations.
