Sunday, November 22, 2015

What Did I Hold?

Well, clearly I don't hold anything now, but when I was a full pot, I definitely held something!

Archaeologists aren't just interested in me because I am an ancient potsherd. They are really interested in me because they can figure out what was in me. Once they know what was in me, they can use that to learn about the people who used me! Make sense?

Water hasn't always been the safest thing to drink. In Ancient Egypt, they didn't have an easy way to make sure the water they were drinking was clean and safe. So, they drank a lot of beer and wine instead. Lot of Egyptian art shows both of these being done:



When the beer was all gone, there was still traces of it left in the pots, which have survived until today!

The archaeologists wanted to figure out what I held, so they tested the residue left behind by whatever I held. They knew I held beer or wine, but they weren't sure which one. My residue contained starch granules, which indicates that I held beer. A typical beer jar in Ancient Egypt looked something like this:


Cool right???

It's crazy how they can figure out! Archaeologists can use all sorts of remains of plants and animals to determine what people ate and how they made things. It's always important to keep in mind that in archaeology, artifacts like me are important, but what really matters is what the people themselves did with me. Jars just like me were used for family dinners, banquets, festivals, and religious ceremonies. Can you find the jars in this scene?

Yeah, I might be cool, but always keep in mind the people I belonged to who were most certainly even cooler than I am.

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